Originally seeded from ZFA, but intended to cover terms relevant to other taxa" } }, "patents-data-gov-uk": { "website": "http://patents.data.gov.uk/", "domain": "government", "doi": "", "triples": "11627", "sparql": [ { "access_url": "http…
Lightning fast, spec-compatible, streaming RDF for JavaScript - rdfjs/N3.js Ruby RDF package with contextual graphs, memory and persistent datastores and compliant RDF/XML, RDFa and N3 parsers. (Deprecated, please see RDF.rb https://github.org/gkellogg/rdf and my other related gems) - gkellogg/rdf_context Contribute to alexchamberlain/mutant development by creating an account on GitHub. An RDF plugin for Solr . Contribute to SeaseLtd/Solrdf development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to DaniFdezAlvarez/shexerp3 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Gruff is one of the interfaces to AllegroGraph and it allows you to create a new triple store, download triple files to populate the store, and then query triples or display triples on the screen. Analytics Engine for Rule Mining in RDF Knowledge Graphs - propi/rdfrules Lightning fast, spec-compatible, streaming RDF for JavaScript - rdfjs/N3.js Ruby RDF package with contextual graphs, memory and persistent datastores and compliant RDF/XML, RDFa and N3 parsers. (Deprecated, please see RDF.rb https://github.org/gkellogg/rdf and my other related gems) - gkellogg/rdf_context Contribute to alexchamberlain/mutant development by creating an account on GitHub. An RDF plugin for Solr . Contribute to SeaseLtd/Solrdf development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to DaniFdezAlvarez/shexerp3 development by creating an account on GitHub.
Filter for rdf ntriples in Elm. Contribute to flarebyte/ntriples-filter development by creating an account on GitHub. autodeploy/% ls -1R ./openrdf-workbench.war/ openrdf-workbench.war/: favicon.ico favicon.png images locale META-INF scripts styles transformations WEB-INF openrdf-workbench.war/images: affirmative.png edit.png logo.png negative.png… In order to install the service, it is recommended that you download the full service package as a ZIP file, e.g. from Maven Central, with group ID org.wikidata.query.rdf and artifact ID "service" , or clone the source distribution at https… The serialisation format is determined by the file extension: • .brf => BinaryRDF • .n3 => N3 • .nq => N-Quads • .nt => N-Triples • .owl => RDF/XML • .rdf => RDF/XML • .rdfs => RDF/XML • .trig => TriG • .trix => TriX • .ttl => Turtle • .xml… Low level PHP library for RDF1.1 based on N3.js. Contribute to pietercolpaert/hardf development by creating an account on GitHub. Code and documentation for the release of MeSH in RDF format - HHS/meshrdf
Ruby RDF package with contextual graphs, memory and persistent datastores and compliant RDF/XML, RDFa and N3 parsers. (Deprecated, please see RDF.rb https://github.org/gkellogg/rdf and my other related gems) - gkellogg/rdf_context Contribute to alexchamberlain/mutant development by creating an account on GitHub. An RDF plugin for Solr . Contribute to SeaseLtd/Solrdf development by creating an account on GitHub. Contribute to DaniFdezAlvarez/shexerp3 development by creating an account on GitHub. optimal Dihydroxamic Acid Putrebactin or Linear Suberodihydroxamic Acid. page, 50(13), 5978-5989. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Universal), 1949-1963.
optimal Dihydroxamic Acid Putrebactin or Linear Suberodihydroxamic Acid. page, 50(13), 5978-5989. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Universal), 1949-1963.